Trio Bitter mid size volume from Triolade setup COLORS ▼ ⬤ Black ⬤ Grey ⬤ White ⬤ Blue ⬤ Green ⬤ Yellow ⬤ Orange ⬤ Red ⬤ Pink ⬤ Purple ⬤ Transparent coat ⬤ Transparent coat without texture In stock: 3ks 9680 Kč Buy Product description big volume ideal for overhangs can be combined with Triolade setup volumes mounting with a self-drilling screws Vulcan 4 2400 Kč Koupit Vulcan 2 dual 3680 Kč Koupit Trio Milk 16000 Kč Koupit Trio White 9100 Kč Koupit Triolade setup 26601 Kč Koupit SM 2150 Kč Koupit RM 3000 Kč Koupit